
This summer our desire in Sojourn Kids is to bridge the gap between the community around us and our community in Christ by welcoming in our neighbors and friends.

We want to create intentional spaces for EVERYONE to experience the fullness of life God offers us.

We can’t wait to kick off the best summer ever, with many opportunities for you to connect and invite others into the life of our church.

VBS | June 12-16, 9am-noon

Mark your calendars! VBS is June 12-16 this year, and you won’t want to miss it. VBS is open for kids who have completed Kindergarten through 5th grade. Blast off with us as we study God's word. Sign up today!

Family Worship Month | July

During the month of July we are inviting our kids who have completed 2nd - 5th grade to participate in Family Worship Month. This is an opportunity for our kids to worship and learn along side their parents.

4/5th Grade Summer Camp

Sojourn45 students, join us for summer camp!  Mark your calendars for July 25-28. This camp is a 4 day, 3 night camp experience for kids who have completed 4th or 5th grade. Register now!

Meet us at Calypso Cove for a night of water fun for the whole family The cost is $2 per person. Register Now!

Water Night | June 26, 6:30-8:30pm

Water Night | July 17, 6:30-8:30pm

Meet us at Calypso Cove for a night of water fun for the whole family The cost is $2 per person. Register Now!

Pop Up Sunday | August 6

We will wrap up our summer of fun with Pop Up Sunday! Join us for Sunday, August 6 as we "pop up" to our new classroom in Sojourn Kids. More details coming soon!

Stay up to date on all summer activities!


Sojourn East

Kids Staff and Contacts