Download Our Baptism Guide
This guide provides details about how we approach baptism at Sojourn East. It answers most questions and guides you through the decision to be baptized and what it means.
About Baptism
Although the act of being baptized doesn’t save us, it is still a vital act of spiritual obedience in the life of a Christian.
What is baptism?
Baptism is a public profession of a restored relationship with God through faith in Jesus.
Who should be baptized?
Anyone who has made a genuine profession of faith should to be baptized (Matthew 28:18-19). We would love to walk with you as you take this opportunity to announce the change that has taken place in your life and proclaim that Jesus paid the penalty for your sins.
If you haven’t made a commitment to Jesus, we would still love to hear from you. We can answer questions and talk more about what it means to be a Christian.
How do I get baptized?
The first step toward baptism is attending a baptism class. These are usually offered several times per year. Attending this class won't obligate you to be baptized—it's just an opportunity to learn more about the symbolism of baptism and have a pastor walk with you as you consider your next step.
When someone chooses to be baptized, we will all celebrate and participate in the baptism together during a Sunday morning service a few weeks after the class.

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